Color Palettes
Each appointment begins with getting to know who you are. We go over your likes and dislikes regarding style, design, textures, and environment. Afterwards I assess your body and facial structure to determine your natural contrast level, what quality of color looks best on you, and whether your hair, skin, and eyes have neutral, warm, or cool undertones.
This analysis leads me to your best season and subtype out of the 24 options. We will then dissect and personalize each color for you.
After we have perfected your palette, we will then go over
How to use your palette
What each color represents
What your season means
How to analyze your current wardrobe
How to grow your wardrobe
Getting your colors done is a spiritual process that can sometimes be overwhelming. It is important to not get overwhelmed and know that this is a journey! I am here to help you discover yourself through colors in more than just identifying what colors look best on you. Once you have and know your colors, it’s important to know how to utilize them.
For only $300, you receive
A holistic, one-on-one color analysis
A unique, harmonized, fan of colors personalized to you
An easy, stress-free way to shop
Store and styling recommendations for you and your season
Confidence in your skin and your wardrobe - no more second-guessing!